by Mixed Matches

Released March 11, 2021 via late
Reviewed March 22, 2021
Top tracks (based on community voting)
Lostintranslation (75%), osaka (58%), twentyfive (42%)
While Mixed Matches’ early work was great and showed flashes of potential, a common criticism that prevailed was that it was one dimensional or monotonous. As he evolved as an artist, you’d start to see more experimentation on projects like Jesse, but for the most part, he stuck to his roots of Alt. R&B/cloud rap/ambient pop. In short, it wouldn’t be out of the ordinary if he tried a couple other sounds out. On In Memory, he turns it up several notches, switching genres from song to song like a chameleon – everything from alternative rock, shoegaze, and folk to reggaeton and footwork. Even with all this at play, he still manages to stay true to his roots, balancing dream-like atmospheres with feelings of melancholy and themes related to longing and romance. With In Memory, Mixed Matches proves to be of the most creative and adaptive artists in music today, and it looks like he’s just getting started. – Alan (8.8/10)
On Mixed Matches’ third album, the Florida-based artist offers his most diverse work yet. With a sound that feels just as much rooted in hyperpop as it does shoegaze and pop punk, In Memory reflects a unique balance of youthful joy and heartbreak. Building upon this foundation, MM manages to incorporate elements of reggaeton, folk, and footwork (on select tracks) into his blissfully melancholic production. And through sugary and dreamy pitched-up vocals, In Memory’s emotive qualities skyrocket as Mixed Matches seeks out happiness among pain and comfort amidst grief. – Dominick (7.7/10)
In Memory is a welcomed phase of growth for producer/singer Mixed Matches that pays immediate dividends with its expanded assortment of sounds and influences. Mixed Matches is largely associated with his beloved compilations, Late and II, yet it is an era of his music that lacks the surprises that make In Memory an intriguing listen. From the start, the production is noticeably vibrant with its sometimes heavy, sometimes heavenly guitar sounds, as well as the increased attention to individualizing the drum patterns between songs. With this release, a higher potential appears to be foreshadowed, and the growth it demonstrates is to be absolutely applauded. – DeVán (7.5/10)
Alan: 8.9/10 | Enth: 8/10 | Dominick: 7.7/10
DeVán: 7.5/10 | Hadley: 7.5/10 | Cam: 7.3/10