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Acid Rap

by Chance The Rapper

Released April 30, 2013

Reviewed May 25, 2023

Top tracks (based on community voting)
Cocoa Butter Kisses (63%), Juice (44%), Acid Rain (41%)

One of the many great free albums released during the 2010s under the cultural “mixtape” guise was Acid Rap, and it stands 10 years later as one of the more widely treasured projects from this era. What attracted hip-hop fans, and eventually the masses, to Chance’s songs were his exuberant, delirious deliveries and solidly introspective songwriting. While right on schedule for the era it was conceived, in retrospect, Acid Rap was never quite the timeless and exotic experience it was made out to be. Zany and unorthodox? Unequivocally, yes. 10 years later, Chance’s unique and exciting vocal work remains to be his super power, as it’s responsible for so much of Acid Rap’s catchiest material. Recent releases from Chance have been somewhat devoid of the animated spirit and the slight unpredictability that made him initially appealing. The features still give a nice variety and account for many of the album’s most beloved tracks. Over time, the more subtle, subdued, and nuanced tracks have come to stand out: songs like “Paranoia” and “Acid Rain” bring so much contrasting value to the table here. Thankfully for Chance, there’s a little something in here for a significant variety of hip-hop listeners, and Acid Rap will likely continue to be a nostalgic favorite for years to come. – DeVán (7.5/10)

Pax: 9/10 | Pablo: 8.5/10 | DeVán: 7.5/10 | Jared: 7.5/10 | Peter: 7.5/10

Cam: 7/10 | Jacques: 7/10 | Dominick: 6/10

Community Reviews:

​​This tape has a special place in my heart. It’s the first album I truly fell in love with. I’ve listened to it countless times and it’s the reason I have a Chance The Rapper tattoo. – @zachkrukowski (10/10)

One of the albums that shaped me as a kid. I remember listening to “Acid rain” and “Paranoia” as a 13-year-old and feeling like I was coming of age. Chance really fell off after this, but he captured a very specific feeling from this time in alt hip hop. His vocal performances are top notch and all the features deliver—even Bronson, I don’t wanna hear any NaNan slander – @uri.o (8.8/10)


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