by Larry June & The Alchemist

Released March 31, 2023 via The Freeminded Records / ALC / EMPIRE
Reviewed May 22, 2023
Top tracks (based on community voting)
Palisades, CA (40%), Left No Evidence (40%), 89 Earthquake (30%)
When a pair of self-made, high-minded maestros bring their enterprises together to build, the sky is truly the limit. The Alchemist’s micro-brewery of beats meets Larry June’s organic juice flow on The Great Escape, a joint offering from two trailblazing forces in the underground. On paper, it’s clear not everyone expected these two to join forces, though Alc’s LA county roots and Larry’s recent ties to the Griselda regime bring them closer than some may think. When in play, the chemistry reveals itself quickly. This cross section of sunny bay area hip-hop against the beautiful grunge of Alc’s trademarked sampling makes it a unique collaboration yielding great returns. Throw in a heap of diverse guest features, from Evidence, to Big Sean, to Slum Village, and The Great Escape is easily one of the more unique and memorable rap records from the first half of 2023. – DeVán (7.5/10)
Alan: 8.3/10 | Pax: 8/10 | Dominick: 7.5/10 | DeVán: 7.5/10 | Ben (Synth): 7/10