by Angelo Badalamenti
Released September 11, 1990 via Warner Bros. Records
Reviewed September 1, 2020
Top tracks (based on community voting)
Twin Peaks Theme (68%), Laura Palmer’s Theme (55%), Falling (41%)
There’s never been a more enthralling mystery on public television than David Lynch’s Twin Peaks. Its trailblazing shake-up of what television could be paved the way for modern masterpieces and the soundtrack is no different. Angelo Badalamenti and Lynch collaborated to create that atmosphere: A balance of light and dark, haunting ambient and cool jazz, coexisting harmoniously within the show and the hearts of its viewers. I truly haven’t been affected more by any other soundtrack. Its innate ambiguity — the blurred lines of good and evil, love and hate — reflect what life will always be: A mystery. The end goal of this show, and life itself, is to savor every moment leading up to the destination, rather than the destination itself. The soundtrack of Twin Peaks will encapsulate those sentiments forever, because love can never be wiped away from the human experience. – Ben (Synth) (10/10)
Twin Peaks’ score manages to do a rare thing: It transcends the show itself. Whether you’ve seen the show or not, the compositions invoke an uncanny sense of mystery and something lying beneath life’s surface. Haunting jazz leads break into surreal pieces of ambient atmosphere that leave the listener questioning just what’s really going on here? It perfectly embodies the unique world of the show it’s connected to all while being a masterful work of dark jazz on its own. – Jared (10/10)
The environment, characters, and premise that David Lynch and Mark Frost brought to life in Twin Peaks are bizarre, quirky, and entirely their own. Although Snoqualmie is only about a three-and-a-half-hour drive from where I live now, Twin Peaks feels as if it resides in a different universe – one that has an endless allure and a historied darkness. Angelo Badalamenti’s soundtrack is a key constituent in the lore of Twin Peaks, acting as a character itself throughout the program. As recognizable as Laura Palmer and carrying the same palpable baggage, Badalamenti’s mix of smoky, lustful jazz tracks, hearty ambient synth slides, and unforgettably sincere love ballads offer the viewer a musical hand to hold while they venture deeper into the sinister forests surrounding this charming little town. – Pax (9/10)
Ben (Synth): 10/10 | Cam: 10/10 | Jared: 10/10 | Hadley: 9/10
Pax: 9/10 | Dominick: 8.5/10 | Enth: 8/10