by David Bowie

Released October 14, 1977 via RCA Records
Reviewed October 20, 2022
Top tracks (based on community voting)
Heroes (90%), Beauty and the Beast (40%), Sons of the Silent Age / Blackout (28%)
1977 saw Bowie double-down and create two albums over the course of one year with the help of the industry's most forward-thinking and sparkle-eyed individuals. The first of said two, Low, was released in January and Heroes, Bowie's 12th studio album, came into public view nine months later in October of '77. What would become the 'Berlin trilogy' was now two-thirds home, and what a race it was running. In a similar fashion to Low, Heroes is split into two halves. The first half is home to active pop music—artsy by nature, it certainly has a stride in its step—while the second half predominantly gives way to mood—ambient pieces bob along in windswept, yet simultaneously harrowing and desolate. Bowie's partnership with Eno and Visconti proves an endearing one. The ingenious blend of Bowie's enigmatic persona and the diving into studio possibilities make Heroes a fascinating exploration. – Peter (8.5/10)
DeVán: 8.5/10 | Dominick: 8.5/10 | Pax: 8.5/10 | Peter: 8.5/10 | Jared: 7.5/10
Community Reviews:
Another classic by a legend. Similar aesthetics to Low, with more “pump” to it. “Heroes” is one of the best and most iconic songs ever. The guitars on Heroes are amazing, and there is real vulnerability from Bowie here in the lyrics, and his voice. A dope album cover, too. – anonymous community member (9.5/10)
Heroes is definitely more accessible and succinct compared to the other Berlin records yet still endlessly creative and moody. Bowie's most iconic moments are scattered across this record and to me it's the most engaging record he made.” – @andre_vital_pardue (8.9/10)