by Pi'erre Bourne

Released September 2, 2022 via Sosshouse / Interscope Records
Reviewed September 14, 2022
Top tracks (based on community voting)
DJ In The Car (36%), Psane (29%), Where You Going (29%)
Today’s world of crooning, colorful rock stars, often simultaneous ragers and singers, can be loosely traced along the lines of Pi’erre Bourne’s rise to hip-hop household name. Even so, the hype around much of his material, be it solo or collaborative, seems disproportionate to the high respect he’s earned in the industry. Attention to Pi’erre as a lead vocalist has increased through the start of the 2020’s, thanks to recent installments in his The Life of Pi’erre series. Previous to Good Movie, Pi’erre’s equal mixture of melodic and energetic songwriting became a standard, one that now seems to have bent to favor a more persistently amorous mood: call it “Pi’erre&B.”
Without ignoring the album’s dud tracks, and the rapper/producer’s obvious shortcomings as a lyricist, Good Movie is a fun project that’s greenlit for cuffing season. This record’s 23 tracks are not perfectly seamless, with the momentum peaking in clusters throughout. Unlike 2019’s TLOP4 and 2021’s TLOP5, Good Movie starts iffy, and interrupts itself with the occasional bad song. Much of Pi’erre’s solo work has cashed in on momentum built through long, homogenized tracklists that become addicting over time, and Good Movie is but a slightly more varied attempt to recreate the trend. It won’t win over any critics, but seasoned fans will likely bask in another solid release from Pi’erre’s archives. – DeVán (7/10)
Pax: 7.7/10 | Cam: 7/10 | DeVán: 7/10 | Daniel: 6.5/10 | Dominick: 6/10 | Hadley: 5/10